Wednesday 4 September 2019

Thoughts over popcorn

Have you ever heard of a movie called the Hunger games? For those of you who haven’t, it’s a dystopian movie about an annual game event, where people fight against each other and nature, for the sole purpose of the government’s and spectators’ entertainment. I recently watched this movie, as it seemed like a safe choice at the time. When you’re avoiding every single genre you used to love in order to avoid pain (which suddenly comes while doing all your -once- simple activities), a movie which includes fighting, swords and a lot of blood seems like a fair, safe option. 

So, I watched it.

I found myself immediately getting lost in my thoughts. This movie is not about swords. And it’s not about surviving. And it’s definitely not about blood. 

What this movie is about is self-sacrifice. It’s the long-lost ability of someone to completely deprive themselves of something, so that a loved one will have an advantage. So, I started wondering; is that the biggest amount of fiction I’ve encountered lately? Is that something only possible to be witnessed in a Hollywood-made movie? Does anyone still possess the ability to feel and act this way towards another person or has everyone been completely lost in this new, social media-infected, ridiculous era, where long parades of idiots have successfully convinced our kind that everything and everyone is replaceable? 

I shove another handful of popcorn in my mouth and I keep watching. When was the last time I witnessed someone using their body as a shield in real life? I cannot help but wonder whether our entire kind has somehow been anaesthetised and now whoever chooses to put someone above themselves is just the odd one out. When you have been anaesthetised, you have lost much more than just sensation. Being cynical is not bad, until it stops turning you grey and it starts turning you black. Then it's lethal. 

Sighing and rolling my eyes repeatedly don’t go well with popcorn. 

This movie was not a safe option. 

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